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Rabobank's RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness team has 85 analysts working in local teams across the worldwide Rabobank network. They generate knowledge, and develop views and insights on businesses, topics and developments in the food & agribusiness sectors across the globe. All analysts have their own sector specialisations—ranging from meat and fish to dairy, vegetables, fruit and floriculture, coffee and cocoa.

Jan 27, 2021

Global fertiliser prices have been increasing over the last three months. Will they continue to rise? Farm Inputs analyst Wes Lefroy catches up with Charles Clack to discuss Rabobank’s latest Semi-Annual Global Fertilizer Outlook: Demand Revival.

Jan 26, 2021

The Rabobank Rural Commodity Price Index sits at a record high for January, yet the world economy is weak, a bumper local crop was just harvested, and the AUD sits in the high 70s. Tim Hunt and Dennis Voznesenski take on this puzzling equation to explain what’s driving markets for Australian farm products.

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