Jun 27, 2017
Global milk supply growth is emerging from key exporting engines. The resulting exportable surplus will increase across 2017 and moving into 2018. The additional supply will be met by steady, if modest, global demand growth across this period.
Jun 27, 2017
What would an Australian housing market crash mean for the local F&A industry? Michael Every and Tim Hunt explore the chances of a crash, the economic impacts it would bring and how this would feed through to farmers and food companies.
Jun 20, 2017
RaboResearch analyst Wes Lefroy is just back from attending the Australian Farm Institute conference 'Harvesting the Benefits of Digital Agriculture’ in Melbourne. He is joined by Tim Hunt to discuss the key themes from the conference and the implications for farmers.
Jun 19, 2017
The Southern Australian milk prices for 2017/18 have been announced. Murray Goulburn has reverted to a traditional pricing model, while other processors chose to break rank. But is this a watershed moment for the industry? And how do local milk prices compare to Rabobank’s expectations... and to global peers?
Jun 9, 2017
Blake Holgate and Angus Gidley-Baird discuss the latest developments in the global red meat export market, and assess what this means for both the short and long term prospects of New Zealand beef and lamb.